Northgate URC



Thanks to a kind offer by Elm Ridge Methodist Church, we are able to use their excellent Hall for Sunday worship at 10:45 a.m.

For more details, see here

We started on 21 Nov and it went very well, with the Methodists joining us in the hall after their own service for coffee. This was a great time of fellowship as many faces were already known - and those that were not now are!

The arrangement will continue more-or-less indefinitely until we are able to use our own building again.

Due to existing arrangements, we cannot have a service on 12 December (the Hall becomes a stable for the circuit "Journey to Bethlehem" event) and there will be no service on 26 December.

However, our "remote" options of paper-based and web-based services will continue until we see that the need has done.


Regular Sunday services take place at 10:45 a.m. and last for approximately an hour.

The children are able to go down to Junior Church part way through the service, where there are experienced leaders.

Younger children are able to make use of the crèche, which is a separate room within the sanctuary and has a sound relay of the service for parents.

The service is followed by a further time of fellowship in the church hall, where refreshments are served and the world is put to rights.

For the worship leadership calender, please see  Worship Calender.

Copyright © 2025 Tees Swale URC Mission Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Tees Swale Mission Partnership and its associated churches are 'excepted' charities.
Serving the communities in Tees and Swale.