Policy Documents October 2020
The Elders of Zion United Reformed Church have been writing and revising policy documents. The documents cover the following topics:
Accountability and Management Structure; Baptism;
Charitable Giving;
Data Protection;
Disciplinary; Employee Code of Conduct;
Equality and Diversity; Financial Procedures;
Fire Procedures;
Health and Safety;
Information Governance;
Lone Working;
Memorandum of Understanding;
Risk Assessment;
Room Hire;
Safeguarding (including Photographic Policy);
Safety Arrangements;
Trauma Response;
Volunteer Code of Conduct.
The Secret Garden currently has the following policy documents.
Confidentiality and Privacy;
Coronavirus Policy and Risk Assessment for Public Access;
Coronavirus Policy and Risk Assessment for Volunteers;
Coronavirus Policy for Users;
Equality and Diversity;
Health and Safety;
Induction Checklist;
Lone Working;
Organizational Structure and Terms of Reference for Secret Garden Committee; Provision and Use of Equipment; Recruitment of Ex-offenders;
Risk Assessments;
Risk Assessment Procedure;
Sharps Policy;
Team Leader Information and Application Form;
User Agreement;
Volunteer Booklet and Agreement;
Volunteer Information and Application Form;
Volunteer Policy.