The church hall is available for hiring either regular weekly use or one-off (e.g. parties)
To enquire please contact Jane Haslam
phone 07896 101130 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zion URC's Declaration of a climate and environmental emergency and the initial pan in response.
Policy Documents October 2020
The Elders of Zion United Reformed Church have been writing and revising policy documents. The documents cover the following topics:
Accountability and Management Structure; Baptism;
Charitable Giving;
Data Protection;
Disciplinary; Employee Code of Conduct;
Equality and Diversity; Financial Procedures;
Fire Procedures;
Health and Safety;
Information Governance;
Lone Working;
Memorandum of Understanding;
Risk Assessment;
Room Hire;
Safeguarding (including Photographic Policy);
Safety Arrangements;
Trauma Response;
Volunteer Code of Conduct.
The Secret Garden currently has the following policy documents.
Confidentiality and Privacy;
Coronavirus Policy and Risk Assessment for Public Access;
Coronavirus Policy and Risk Assessment for Volunteers;
Coronavirus Policy for Users;
Equality and Diversity;
Health and Safety;
Induction Checklist;
Lone Working;
Organizational Structure and Terms of Reference for Secret Garden Committee; Provision and Use of Equipment; Recruitment of Ex-offenders;
Risk Assessments;
Risk Assessment Procedure;
Sharps Policy;
Team Leader Information and Application Form;
User Agreement;
Volunteer Booklet and Agreement;
Volunteer Information and Application Form;
Volunteer Policy.